Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Renaissance Island

What an interesting place to see! I have had a blast walking around this area and readnig the notecards for the different sections. They have a Bulwark fortification with cannons mounted, a cathedral, docks, a market square, and so much more. It is a nicely rendered look at an old time village with all the look and feel. They have gardens with flowers and herbs located in the village area as well. There is also a representation of the Globe Theater.

It would be a great place for a Social Studies teacher to take a class on a tour. Offering up a chance to see the area as it would have looked in that time period. Also, if an English teacher was to do a reinactment of a play or scene from Shakspeare in the Globe Theater, what a great experience for the students.

This picture is of the Reading Primley Bulwark.

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