Friday, November 2, 2007

NASA Jet Propulsion Lab

NASA's JPL (Jet Propulsion Lab) is located on Explorer Island. What an instersting place right off the bat. Firs the note cards are fantastic and fun of information. You get one notecard when you show up, and I got another as an Asteroid was heading towards me. This island is loaded with information for any space enthusist or student wanting to learn more. They have created many different moving exhibits so that you can see the whole object, or walk around it to see more.

(Important note: many of the cards have Spanish versions and a few French so that students can have more access to the information)

There is so much to see and do here that I'm not sure I can put it all down in words. They are still constructing some of it, but there are so many note cards to read with information on different spacecrafts from NASA, including some fun facts with each one.

When you do stop by this island, make sure you check out the Martian mountain (Victoria Crater I believe). You can see the rovers, check out the rover aribags, see a Martian dust storm, and explore a Martian landscape.

There is all a display for the Ion engine. Well if you thought that blue engines were just in Star Trek you are wrong. Check out the new fuel source and how the blue color happens with Ion engines. They have an interactive display with more information.

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